Saturday, May 28, 2011

Stress. Lots and lots of stress!

I'm a slacker and a half! It's not entirely my fault though. Dave works a ton so I'm usually left to man the fort solo so I don't have a ton of extra time. I'm still working but not as much because, sometimes I felt like I let photography take over my life a little and frankly, I would rather play at the park with my kids than be stuck at a computer editing all day. I had to take a step back and re-evaluate what was really important to me and kids/hubby trump career any day of the week! There's so many exciting things going on in our lives right now I don't even know where to begin! Several months ago, I stopped doing cakes. They were just really stressing me out and I didn't have room for more stress in my life. Truthfully, they were never really my passion anyway. Dave and I wanted to try for another baby but were struggling with the timing of it all. We finally decided on August but, as usual, God had other plans! I'm about 10 weeks along now and although we are over the moon excited, I have been sicker than sick! I had fairly mild pregnancies with the girls so I'm not sure what to think of the awful way I feel with this one! I'm praying once the 1st trimester is over, so will the sickness! Almost there! Apparently, I also suffer from pregnancy educed migraines! Joy! The hits keep on coming! Hopefully, these are signs of a boy because my hubby would sure be ecstatic if he had a lil' baseball player on the way! We also bought a new house FINALLY! yay! Were super excited and ready to close and be settled in but I'm not so much looking forward to all the packing and moving. I've been trying to tackle it a little at a time but eeeek... it's so overwhelming! Payton wrapped up Kinder a few weeks ago and was super sad that the school year was over but is really excited to start first grade in the fall. She's leaving tuesday for a month with Jimmy and I'm not very enthused about it. She's crying and saying she doesn't want to go for a month and naturally I don't want her to go either but I know once she gets there it will be all fun and games and she will be fine. She might not want to come back to the real world when he is done with her! lol She's never been away from me that long before so I'm already in full panic mode. He lives with his girlfriend now and she has kids so I'm trying to put myself at ease with knowing she's a fellow mommy but, truth of the matter is, I don't know her. I've never spoken to her, met her, ANYTHING! I don't know if she will have my kid drinking organic milk and eating her vegetables. I don't know if she prays with her before bed or will be taking her to church. Does she read bedtime stories? Does she allow a little too much video game playing? The questions are endless. How do you let someone else mother your child for a whole month?!?!? Especially when you are a complete parenting control freak like me!??!? All I can do is trust God to watch over my little angel while she is away. I can pray and seek comfort from the Lord for myself as well. For Taylor who will undoubtably be missing her bff sissy all month long. Keep us in your prayers. It's going to be a looooong month!

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