Saturday, April 24, 2010

Playing catch-up

Like many of you, I had such good intentions with this blog. I thought to myself oh, what a lovely to post my weekly, if not daily rants. What a lovely way to remember the little stories associated with events & photos for later scrapbooking purposes. And like so many of you, I have failed myself miserably in this task. I've blogged um maybe once a month if that and have rarely attached pictures! {insert shame spiral here}. So, I decided before I got years off track, now was a good a time as any to play catch up. So, if you're not into the whole "peek into my life" sorta thing, then just ignore the next few posts and rest assured that in no time at all I will return to my normal, cynical, analytical self. You will undoubtably see some more posts about psychological disorders that only exist according to me in the next few weeks but for now, bear with me, while for my own sanity I record a little piece of family history. Hopefully from now on, I will keep up with it so Dave can see what mischief the girls & I are getting into while he is away!

February 13,2010:

I had initially planned on having Taylor's 1st birthday party the next weekend because A. I knew Briley & Dave's birthday parties would fall on the same weekend & B. because Taylor's birthday wasn't until the 17th so I figured it made more sense to do it the next wknd. My plans fell through on this since the Army decided it was a good plan to make Dave report for duty the next day (Valentine's day). I bumped it up because I didn't want him to miss her first birthday party. I had been planning since ummm... the day she was born, to do a monkey theme for her 1st birthday party because Dave calls me monkey all the time & thus Payton & Taylor became little monkeys. However, about 31983029183028 people beat me to the monkey theme just before Taylor's party came along. Not being one to follow the crowd, I insisted we find a new theme. Barnyard sounded cute, but of course, I couldn't find anything cute & girly with a barnyard theme so I had to resort to sort of designing our own theme. The kids had a blast at Miller's gymnastics chowing down on pizza and cake and running around like crazy headless chickens (no barnyard pun intended). Taylor got some great gifts but her favorite gift was by far the pink car Grammy & Papa got her.

February 18, 2010
Jenn and I are best friends and everyone knows best friends always do EVERYTHING together ;). So, when we found out she was prego 2 summers ago, naturally, I jumped on the bandwagon 2 months later! haha We were ecstatic to learn we were both having GIRLS! Naturally, Aubrey & Taylor are BFF's too (it even says so on the adorable matching shirts Aubrey's mommy made!) They have lots of adventures together. They love to play, dress alike, chat, share snacks, & take sunny drives in the park together. On this day, we decided to take the girls to the park for a little picnic & playtime. The girls snacked on their sandwiches, shared a few snacks and leftovers with each other, then hopped in their cars to follow Payton on her bike around the park a few laps.

on March 9th, Jennifer & I decided it would be fun to let the girls finger paint together. I suggested pudding because, well, quite frankly, Taylor will eat anything within a five mile radius. So, at her next HEB shopping expedition, Jenn found a ton of nasty sounding flavors but oh so fun colors of jelly belly pudding! Taylor mainly just ate hers and although, Aubrey took some coaxing, she finally got the hang of it and quickly proceeded rubbing her belly to a sweet shade of grey. Then they took a nice soak to wash of the sticky mess.

on March 10th, the girls & I met up with Aubrey & Jennifer (with Alexis in tow), Kalee, Aiden, & Cabree, & Leann & Addison at Chuck-E-Cheese for a mommy & me playdate. The kids all had a blast and even I got in on the tunnel action where I learned quickly that I am even more out of shape than I initially thought.