Sunday, September 13, 2009

So you call yourself a Christian!?!??!

I am so absolutely infuriated at the moment! I took the girls to HEB this afternoon to pick up a few necessities and I was instantly irritated with the complete lack of manners some people display. I get into the parking lot and a white truck parked up front caught my eye. It said "homosexuals, Lesbians, pedophiles, (and something else I can't remember), you are an abomination against God". Really? You had to put that on your truck!?!? What kind of hypocritical christian wanna-be would do such a ridiculous thing. Biblically, God says that homosexuality is a sin. However, he also says that he views all sins the same. There is no sin worse than the other. Homosexuality, stealing, lying, cheating, they are ALL the same in Christ's eyes. This scripture immediately came to mind: Matthew 7:4 "How can you say to your brother let me remove the speck from your eye, when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?" I continue walking shaking my head in disagreement and begin loading my groceries into my car. "mama, what's that?" Payton asked while pointing in the direction of the hypocrites truck. I glanced over my shoulder and there it was. A whole anti-abortion campaign on the drivers side. It is peachy to be pro-life and all and completely within your constitutional rights but to post full color pictures of aborted fetuses there for the world to see is definitely a violation of MY rights. I froze, how do you explain the concept of abortion to a 5 year old? She even said it looked like a "tiny bloody baby". I am shaking and furious now and decide I need to find out more about this so called Christan group and church that would do something so despicable. I drive up to the truck searching for the name, it is on the back but I decide to get a picture of each side first. As I am snapping the first one, the owner of the truck comes out, blocks my shot of the church name and gives me one of those if looks could kill looks. Needless to say, I chickened out and drove off. I'm googling churches in attempts to find these idiots and give their pastor a piece of my mind. I think it said something like "the good life church" but I can't find anything like that. Has anyone seen this truck or know of a church that sounds like this? If so, please let me know. Our children need to be protected from these disturbing images!

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