Wednesday, August 26, 2009

ah the joys of marriage

I disliked my poor husband greatly today. Not sure why. Something inside me snapped. He irritated me and it was the icing on the cake to a stressful week I guess. I mean really he didn't do MUCH wrong. He even threw the trash like a good boy but wooooooooooah did I need some strong medication because once I got started I couldn't control the anger. I cussed at him-I rarely do that and he laughed at me. He shook his head and gave this irritating little smirk because I suppose if I really think about it, my behavior was quite out of character for me. His amusement fueled my rage. "I'm glad you think this is funny" I screamed. We went out to dinner because I was stressed and had NO desire to cook. Okay okay, I admit it was slightly premeditated. Maybe just maybe I saved those damn weight watchers points all day so I could have some Jason's deli strawberry shortcake but Taylor screaming and me being irritated gave me a reasonable argument to go out. Halfway through dinner I apologized for my behavior and tried to explain the reason for my temporary psychosis but I guess I didn't really have a good reason. I honestly think I was just upset that he was a MAN. He told Payton to pick up a toy off the floor or he was going to throw it away and I was thinking, she's 4. If I threw away every pair or undies you left on the floor you wouldn't have any! It all just snowballed from there. I guess I was halfway upset that I was the one confined to the sofa nursing Taylor. Why the heck can't HE produce the milk!?!? haha I was stressed out and angry at the way the week has gone and he was the closest adult around to take the blame. Sorry honey-I see a back massage in your future! Am I the only one who feels like Adam got off waaaaaaaaaaay easier than Eve? Sure Eve picked the fruit but in her defense she was coerced and Adam didn't put up much of an argument before he ate it too! So why the menstrual cycle, the cramps, bloating, acne? Why the nausea and weight gain of childbearing/birth and for God's sake WHY the lactation!?!?!? lol Goodnight, I pray I wake up on the RIGHT side of the bed tomorrow and I can tell you now this greatly depends on what side of the bed Taylor wakes up on!

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